Senior Pastor: Malcolm Woodle Jr.

Malcolm has been our Senior Pastor for 20 years now. He loves his church and his community and is always willing to help those in need. He gives our church leadership and guidance and we are so greatful to have him on our team.

Founding Pastor: Wayne Odom

Pastor Wayne is the founding Pastor of Blessed Hope. Along with being a mighty man of God he instilled the roots and planted the seeds that grew into Blessed Hope as we know it today. Although he passed away in 2005 his legacy lives on and how he lived his life will forever shape this churches identity.

Youth Pastor: D.J. Woodle

Pastor D.J. strives to show our youth that Jesus is amazing. He brings a uniue fun style into our youth ministry, his sermons, and our church atmosphere. Pastor D.J. also doubles as our worship leader. We are so greatful to have his God filled joyful spirit here at Blessed Hope Church

Secretary: Ann Holbrook

Ann has been with Blessed Hope from the beginning . She does all the behind the scenes work no one sees but we are all thankful for her drive to do God's work. Her praise is unmatched in our congregation but we love her and are sure you will too.

Kid's Leader/ Pastor's Wife: Waynette Woodle

Waynette is our lovely Pastors wife along with that she doubles as our kids leader. Her love for the kids of our church is unmatched as she sees them as our next generation of worshipers. Her smile and joyful spirit lights up our church every Sunday.

Tech Director: R.J. Woodle

R.J. is the youngest and newest member of our team. He serves as our tech director and takes care of the camera work and graphics work that we enjoy every sunday. His passion for this is unmatched and although he is mostly behind a screen we consider him a vital part of our church.